
Sacred Waterfall With The Arcturians


Have you experienced your star family? Let´s join on us on this beautiful journey and experience the Arcturians together at a sacred waterfall connected to the Arcturians. You will receive huge downloads and make your connection deeper, or get your first contact with the Arcturians and other galactic star beings.



Sacred Waterfall With The Arcturians

Have you ever yearned to connect with your star family, the Arcturians, and experience their transformative energy? Join us on a breathtaking journey to a sacred waterfall intimately linked to the Arcturians. It’s a remarkable opportunity to receive profound downloads, deepen your existing connection, or even make your very first contact with the Arcturians and other celestial star beings.

A Celestial Encounter:
Step into a realm where the celestial and earthly converge. As you embark on this journey, you will have the chance to commune with the Arcturians, known for their advanced wisdom and healing energies. The sacred waterfall serves as a conduit for their presence, making it an ideal location for spiritual encounters.

Initiations and Downloads:
During this experience, you will receive initiations and downloads directly from the Arcturians. These transmissions are designed to elevate your consciousness, expand your awareness, and facilitate a profound connection with the star beings. Whether you seek to strengthen your existing bond or initiate your first contact, this journey will take you closer to your cosmic family.

Water Initiations:
The Arcturian waterfall holds unique energetic properties, making it a powerful site for water initiations. As you immerse yourself in the cascading waters, you’ll undergo a spiritual purification, cleansing your energy and facilitating a deeper connection with the Arcturians and the galactic realm.

This Healing Chamber Includes:
1. Recording of the Journey: A complete recording of the experience, equipped with expert guidance and techniques to help you navigate this transformative encounter.

2. Experience The Arcturians: Connect with the Arcturians and other celestial beings on a profound level, fostering a deeper understanding of their wisdom and energy.

3. Initiations & Downloads: Receive initiations and downloads directly from the Arcturians, expanding your consciousness and strengthening your connection with them.

4. Water Initiations: Immerse yourself in the powerful energy of the Arcturian waterfall, undergoing spiritual purification and deeper connection with the galactic star beings.

This unique and extraordinary journey offers a gateway to connect with the Arcturians and your star family in a way that can transform your spiritual path. Whether you seek enlightenment, healing, or simply a connection with celestial wisdom, “Sacred Waterfall With The Arcturians” provides a profound opportunity to experience the extraordinary. Join us and let the celestial waters guide you towards your star family.

Start your journey now and experience the Arcturians in a way that can change your life forever.


Before your session, make sure that you have space and time for yourself and that you can allow yourself to really go deep.

PLEASE NOTE: We do not treat heal, advice or cure any illnesses or diseases. All is done by GOD. The information, products and services provided in the site and by the company is for general interest in spirituality purposes only; nothing herein is intended or implied to serve as medical or therapeutic advice or treatment. Kritagya Das & Karaveera Nivasini Dasi are not medical doctors or a medical institution nor do they diagnose any illness or prescribe medication of any kind.


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Sacred Waterfall with The Arcturians